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  Heckler & Koch (An Armoury) (Small Arms Profile No.07)
    Категория: Военное дело » Оружие » Огнестрельное оружие
Heckler & Koch (An Armoury) (Small Arms Profile No.07) title=
Автор: A. J. R. Cormack
Издательство: Profile Publications Ltd
Год издания: 1972
Количество страниц: 22
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 28966
At the end of the Second World War the Germans were frantically searching for weapons which could overcome the lack of strategic materials and manufacturing facilities. It is out of these difficulties that some of the best and most advanced weapon development was carried out. After the war most of the design staffs of the German armament industries dispersed throughout Europe; some ended up in Spain, amongst whom was a former member of the Mauser Werke firm - Herr Volgrimmler. In Spain basic design concepts developed during the war were turned into drawings and then into production weapons at the Centro de Estudios Technicos de Materiales Especiales - an short CETME. This is a Government-run establishment to foster design and development work. These designs for a service rifle were later developed by Heckler & Koch. Thus from a very troubled childhood came a weapon type that was to equip a number of armed forces in a variety of guises.

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