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  Encyclopedia of India. Vol.4 (S-Z)
    Категория: Энциклопедии и справочники, Энциклопедии издательства «Gale Inc.»
Encyclopedia of India. Vol.4 (S-Z) title=
Автор: Stanley A. Wolpert
Издательство: Gale
Год издания: 2006
isbn: 0-684-31349-9
Количество страниц: 419
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 10 Мб
Каталожный номер: 13714
Home to a fifth of the world's population and the largest democracy in the world, India holds a prominent place in current events yet remains misunderstood in many ways by students, professionals and others who seek a single, authoritative source for information on this important region. The Encyclopedia of India meets this need, encompassing the history, cultures, geography and religions of India from ancient times to the present day. Across the four volumes of the Encyclopedia, readers are invited to explore India in a comprehensive reference work of more than 600 alphabetically arranged, illustrated articles. As India's role in global politics and economics continues to grow, readers will find the historical and cultural information contained within this work an indispensable tool to gaining a greater appreciation of India and its place in our modern world.

Похожие публикации:

  • India, 3 edition (Cultures of the World
  • Made in India (Architectural Design)
  • India (Eyewitness Books)
  • The Culture of India / Культура Индии
  • A History of Christianity in India: 1707-1858 (Vol 2)
  • Encyclopedia of Modern Asia. Vol.2 (China-India Relations - Hyogo)
  • Encyclopedia of India. Vol.3 (K-R)
  • Encyclopedia of India. Vol.2 (E-J)
  • Encyclopedia of India. Vol.1 (A-D)
  • Frommer’s India

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