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  Primordial Cosmology
    Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Астрономия, космос
Primordial Cosmology title=
Автор: Giovanni Montani, Marco Valerio Battisti, Riccardo Benini, Giovanni Imponente
Издательство: World Scientific
Год издания: 2011
isbn: 9814271004
Количество страниц: 600
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 64158
Primordial Cosmology deals with one of the most puzzling and fascinating topics debated in modern physics -- the nature of the Big Bang singularity. The authors provide a self-consistent and complete treatment of the very early Universe dynamics, passing through a concise discussion of the Standard Cosmological Model, a precise characterization of the role played by the theory of inflation, up to a detailed analysis of the anisotropic and inhomogeneous cosmological models. The most peculiar feature of this book is its uniqueness in treating advanced topics of quantum cosmology with a well-traced link to more canonical and pedagogical notions of fundamental cosmology.

Ключевые теги: астрономия

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  • Towards the Edge of the Universe: A Review of Modern Cosmology
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  • Fundamentals of Cosmology,2 Edition
  • Galaxy Formation, 2nd edition
  • When the Universe Took a U-turn
  • Astrophysical Formulae: Space, Time, Matter, and Cosmology
  • Introduction to Cosmology
  • An Introduction to the Science of Cosmology

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    Опубликовал: nbvcxz | 20-09-2011, 19:58 | Просмотров: 810   Комментарии (0)  Печать

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