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  The geometry of multiple images, the laws that govern the formation of multiple images of a scene and some of their applications, 3D imaging for safet
    Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Математика, геометрия, статистика
The geometry of multiple images, the laws that govern the formation of multiple images of a scene and some of their applications, 3D imaging for safet title=
Автор: Olivier Faugeras, Quang-Tuan Luong, Tho Papadopoulo, Andreas Koschan, Marc Pollefeys, Mongi A.Abidi
Издательство: The MIT Press
Год издания: 2001
isbn: 0262062208
Количество страниц: 644
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 72 Мб
Каталожный номер: 64946
Over the last forty years, researchers have made great strides in elucidating the laws of image formation, processing, and understanding by animals, humans, and machines. This book describes the state of knowledge in one subarea of vision, the geometric laws that relate different views of a scene. Geometry, one of the oldest branches of mathematics, is the natural language for describing three-dimensional shapes and spatial relations. Projective geometry, the geometry that best models image formation, provides a unified framework for thinking about many geometric problems relevant to vision. The book formalizes and analyzes the relations between multiple views of a scene from the perspective of various types of geometries. A key feature is that it considers Euclidean and affine geometries as special cases of projective geometry. Images play a prominent role in computer communications. Producers and users of images, in particular three-dimensional images, require a framework for stating and solving problems. The book offers a number of conceptual tools and theoretical results useful for the design of machine vision algorithms. It also illustrates these tools and results with many examples of real applications.

Похожие публикации:

  • Aircraft Aerodynamic. Design Geometry and Optimization
  • Problems in Geometry
  • The Structure of Paintings
  • Analytical Geometry
  • Numerical Methods for Image Registration
  • Getting Started with Digital Imaging
  • HDR Photography Photo Workshop
  • Machine Vision- Theory, Algorithms, Practicalities
  • Color Image Processing. Methods and Applications
  • Digital Color Imaging Handbook

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