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  A Problem Book in Algebra
    Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Математика, геометрия, статистика
A Problem Book in Algebra title=
Автор: V. A. Krechmar
Издательство: Mir Publishers, Moscow
Год издания: 1978
Количество страниц: 508
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 60 Мб
Каталожный номер: 92131
The object of this collection of problems and exercises in elementary algebra is to provide teachers and pupils with material of a higher degree of difficulty than that in standard secondary school textbooks, so that pupils who wish to deepen their mathematical knowledge can do so. The exercises in the collection can be tackled by any reader who has studied elementary mathematics, but has not gone beyond it. Though some problems are in trigonometry, they are in fact all of an algebraic character. The problems are grouped, and each group is provided with notes on how to go about solving them. Answers are given for almost all problems, with a few exceptions. If the reader’s knowledge and appreciation of mathematics is fostered by working through the book, the author’s aim will have been justified. This is certainly one of the top ten books for high school competition mathematics study and preparation. There are 585 problems here in all, including complete coverage of algebra. But not just algebra - there is extensive material covering other relevant areas such as Trigonometry, Inequalities, Limits and - very importantly - in algebraic proof techniques, such as Mathematical Induction.
Ключевые теги: математика

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