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  The Theory of Atomic Collisions
    Категория: Естественные науки » Физико-математические науки » Физика
The Theory of Atomic Collisions title=
Автор: N. F. Mott, H. S. W. Massey
Издательство: Oxford University Press
Год издания: 1965
Количество страниц: 878
Язык: english
Формат: DJVU
Размер: 10 Мб
Каталожный номер: 105933
Contents: The wave equation The theory of the scattering of a beam of particles by a centre of force Scattering of a beam of particles by a Coulomb field Inhomogeneous differential equations - the Green's function Scattering by a centre of force - Born's approximation and semi-classical approximations Variational methods for central force problems The scattering matrix, dispersion relations and miscellaneous theorems Scattering due to non-local, absorptive, and multicentral interactions The spin of the electron Scattering by spin-dependent interactions - analysis of polarization - non-relativistic treatment Collisions between two particles: non-relativistic theory General theory of atomic collisions - the Born and impulse approximations General theory of atomic collisions - the two-state approximation General theory of atomic collisions - the many-state problem and the generalized S matrix General theory of atomic collisions - rearrangement collisions Collisions of fast electrons with atoms Scattering of low energy electrons and positrons by hydrogen atoms Scattering of slow electrons and positrons by complex atoms Collisions between massive particles Nuclear collisions Transition probabilities by method of variation of parameters Relativistic two-body problems - radiation.

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