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  Drilling Data Handbook
    Категория: Естественные науки » Науки о Земле » Гидрогеология, бурение
Drilling Data Handbook title=
Автор: Gabolde G.
Издательство: Editions Technip
Год издания: 1999
isbn: 2710807564
Количество страниц: 552
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 28 Мб
Каталожный номер: 24377
This edition of the title reflects the changes that have occurred in drilling techniques over the past years. New Specifications and Recommended Practices have been published by the American Petroleum Institute. Meanwhile, manufacturers have also greatly improved their equipment. In particular, remarkable progress has been achieved in the following fields: horizontal displacements have reached a distance of over ten kilometers in directional and horizontal drilling, with the use of more complex bottom hole assemblies and drill strings; coiled tubing units are now being used almost systematically during workover, and occasionally during drilling; the range of drilling bits has been entirely renewed, and the classifications and Used Bit Dull Grading System Format and Codes of the IADC have been modified accordingly; new dimensions and weights for casings have appeared with the drilling of HP-HT wells; wellhead equipment and control systems were modified to keep up with deep offshore drilling.

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