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  Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach
    Категория: Технические науки, Транспорт, Воздушный транспорт, космонавтика, Военное дело, Военная техника, Самолеты
Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach title=
Автор: Mohammad H. Sadraey
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons
Год издания: 2012
Количество страниц: 808
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 8 Мб
Каталожный номер: 116251
Due to the high cost and the risks associated with development, complex aircraft systems have become a prime candidate for the adoption of systems engineering methodologies. This book presents the entire process of aircraft design based on a systems engineering approach from conceptual design phase, through to preliminary design phase and to detail design phase.
Presenting in one volume the methodologies behind aircraft design, this book covers the components and the issues affected by design procedures. The basic topics that are essential to the process, such as aerodynamics, flight stability and control, aero-structure, and aircraft performance are reviewed in various chapters where required. Based on these fundamentals and design requirements, the author explains the design process in a holistic manner to emphasise the integration of the individual components into the overall design. Throughout the book the various design options are considered and weighed against each other, to give readers a practical understanding of the process overall.
Readers with knowledge of the fundamental concepts of aerodynamics, propulsion, aero-structure, and flight dynamics will find this book ideal to progress towards the next stage in their understanding of the topic. Furthermore, the broad variety of design techniques covered ensures that readers have the freedom and flexibility to satisfy the design requirements when approaching real-world projects.
Ключевые теги: авиация

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