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  The City Rehearsed: The Architectural Worlds of Hans Vredeman de Vries
    Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство
The City Rehearsed: The Architectural Worlds of Hans Vredeman de Vries title=
Автор: Christopher P. Heuer
Издательство: Routledge
Год издания: 2009
Количество страниц: 2003
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 15 Мб
Каталожный номер: 31630
The City Rehearsed offers an entirely new perspective on printed architecture in early modern Europe through the lens of Hans Vredeman de Vries. It probes the geographical encounters of dozens of engravings with contemporary texts on architecture, theatre, urbanism, art collecting, even ethnography.

The Netherlandish polymath Hans Vredeman de Vries (1526-1609) devoted his entire career to the production of imaginary architecture. Painter, architect, rhetorician, perspective theorist, festival designer, and draughtsman, Vredeman was active in Antwerp, Amsterdam, and Prague, where he designed a mysterious body of architectural prints, works which by the seventeenth century had influenced buildings from Tallinn to Peru. Including Scenographiae (1560), and Perspective (1604-5), Vredemans strange publications were among the most widely-distributed Renaissance books on building and vision, shipped to England, Spain and even Mexico by 1600

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