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  The Solar Home: How to Design and Build a House You Heat With the Sun
    Категория: Технические науки » Архитектура и строительство
The Solar Home: How to Design and Build a House You Heat With the Sun title=
Автор: Mark Freeman
Издательство: Stackpole Books
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 240
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 2 Мб
Каталожный номер: 33185
As a compliment to other books on the subject this one would suffice to add some detail, but I certainly am glad it's not the only book on solar home building I own. The material seems to be presented from a limited, but technical, scope of understanding. Although some technical and accurate information has found it's way into the pages of this book, I have found it on all levels to be missing what ever mysterious combination of qualities makes a good user friendly how to book. From my reading of other books on the subject what fresh material and/or thought this book brings to the subject seems to be either contrary or obsolete. The methodology in this book seems particularly biased to a very limited way of covering the concerns of anyone interested in passive solar homes. Again this book could potentially supplement a reasonible collection, but I'm glad it's not my only book on the subject, and I'm certainly glad that it wasn't my first book on the subject! I'm not saying that this book is all wrong, but I find it to be far from alright! If you haven't bought a book on this subject yet, keep looking... --- Michael P. Frank (Tallahassee, FL USA)

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