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  Stepping Motors and their microprocessor controls
    Категория: Технические науки » Электроника, радиотехника, связь
Stepping Motors and their microprocessor controls title=
Автор: Takashi Kenjo
Издательство: Clarendon Press
Год издания: 1984
isbn: 0198593260
Количество страниц: 252
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 39.3 Мб
Каталожный номер: 47500
In the autumn of 1978, after I had completed the manuscript of the Japanese book Fundamentals and applications of stepping motors in collaboration with Y. Niimura, T visited Professor P. J. Lawrenson and Dr A. Hughes at the University of Leeds. I contributed one chapter of the book on the explanation of the theory of static and dynamic characteristics of stepping motors which had been developed by them and their co-workers. T told them that the small precision electrical motor industry in Japan had progressed at a spectacular pace since the early 1970s and that the book would be read by many engineers and students. Professor Lawrenson asked me if I had thought about writing its English version, and T replied 'I will consider it after the Japanese version has appeared'. It was this discussion that first inspired me to write this book.

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