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  Tungsten: Properties, Chemistry, Technology of the Element, Alloys, and Chemical Compounds
    Категория: Технические науки » Другие технические науки
Tungsten: Properties, Chemistry, Technology of the Element, Alloys, and Chemical Compounds title=
Автор: Erik Lassner, Wolf-Dieter Schubert
Издательство: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Год издания: 1999
isbn: 0306450534
Количество страниц: 416
Язык: english
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21 Мб
Каталожный номер: 40163
Why does someone write a book about Tungsten? There are several reasons and precedents for this, the most important of which is that the last book on tungsten was written more than 20 years ago, in 1977, by St. W. H. Yih and Ch T. Wang. During the intervening period there have been many new scientific and technological developments and innovations, so it was not only our opinion but the view of many other members of the "tungsten family" that it was time to start writing a new book about tungsten. Preparations of the new book began in 1994. Further impetus to the project was provided by the realization that in spite of this new knowledge having been presented at seminars or published in the technical press, a general acknowledgement of it by the majority of technicians and scientists is still far from being realized. It is our hope that this book will significantly contribute to a broader acceptance of recent scientific and technological innovations.
Ключевые теги: химия

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