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  Fishing Boats of the World 3
    Категория: Технические науки » Транспорт » Водный транспорт, судостроение
Fishing Boats of the World 3 title=
Автор: Jan Olof Traung
Издательство: Fishing News (Books) Ltd.
Год издания: 1967
isbn: 0852380437
Количество страниц: 688
Язык: english
Формат: PDF (scan)
Размер: 53 Мб
Каталожный номер: 114191
This volume, number 3, like the others, concentrates on specific aspects of the problem of improving world fishing activity. This related to the smaller types of craft used in in-shore and near-water fishing and in the case of developing countries, to indigenous craft such as canoes powered with outboard or inboard engines. That objective was covered in six major sections. The first dealt with the factors which influences the design of boats in various communities; the second with the performance of craft in practical operation. Materials used such as wood, aluminum, plastics, fiberglass, etc., were considered in the third section with useful comparisons made with conventional usage. The fourth section dealt with engineering problems-engine location, different types, deck machinery and refrigeration equipment. The fifth section is aimed at helping small boat users in inshore fishing; lakes and rivers and gives outstanding help to the need of developing countries. The sixth section deals with craft for stern trawling, tuna fishing, combination vessels and even catamarans for certain types of fishing.

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